Oral Cancer Detection

Your life can be saved by Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer makes up about 2% out of all cancers detected each year in the United States. Around 40,000 individuals shall be diagnosed as having oral cancer each year and around 8,000 shall lose their lives from the illness. That is one death each hour, because of oral cancer in the United States!

You cannot afford not to have Oral Cancer Screening. This is the reason why at Smile4Life Dental we utilize Sapphire Plus Lesion Detection which is an ideal top notch art tool, present to recognize this severe illness. When we make use of Sapphire Plus Lesion Detection, we are able to even recognize lesions prior to them producing pain, irritation or signs that might worry you.

Why Early Discovery is the Answer to Survival

It is possible to make a very early discovery.

Having oral cancer screenings often is vital so as to detect early, since this is crucial. It is very easy to detect oral cancer early by screening, as it normally starts with a tiny, recognizable, pre-malignant wound in the mouth that develops gradually over 2 to 8 years.

Detecting Early means Survival Rate of 80%

Oral cancer survival rate is extremely high if early detection is made (up to 80%). In addition, the processes and treatment for removal are a lot simpler and less damaging when detected early.

Majority of Oral Cancer is Combated Too Late

A lot of oral cancer is seen just after it has progressed to stage III and IV when rates of cure are just 19% which is dismally low.