A dental exam is intensive if it facilitates recognition of each active element which can lead or add to the disintegration of oral well being or operation. It is not comprehensive if it fails to offer sufficient data to create a complete treatment strategy whose objective is ultimate sustenance of the teeth and their supporting formations.
As there is no perfect manner to attain a complete well-being without including and synchronizing all sections of the masticatory mechanism, the whole mechanism should be assessed. What impacts one section of the mechanism shall, in the end have an impact on the other sections of the mouth and body.
A meticulous diagnosis will only result from the experience and education obtained by a meticulous examiner, who observes and tests each harmful impact, in symptom or sign type and then evaluates for all probable triggers.
The mechanism of a total analysis is made up of:
A comprehensive sequence of x-rays
Precise Diagnostic Models propped on an Articulator using centric relation bite and facebow.
Below are clinical results which should be assessed and Exam, so as to be comprehensive:
Present restoration
Present prosthetic replacements
Rotting (Caries) index
Dental blisters
Periodontium (gums)- periodontal probe used to examine as well as overall presentation
Pockets of soft tissue
Teeth movement
Oral cleanliness
Decline and sensitivity
Bite or occlusion
Too much wear
How Dental Arches relate
Relation of teeth to one another
‘Line and Plane of Occlusion’
TMJ Syndrome
Do missing teeth need to be replaced?
Teeth’s Cosmetic look – Esthetics
Cancer check on soft tissue – are there swellings?
Health complexities
Extra vital information